Tuesday 29 September 2015

Is Self-Defence Training A Grudge-Purchase?

Personal safety and self-defence training are one of those topics that many people only think about IF and WHEN something happens to them that jeopardizes their state of equilibrium.

his is very similar to motor insurance. Firstly, there are those people who will gladly pay the monthly insurance premiums because they know it is vital to ensure their peace of mind, knowing that they have this insurance as a backup, should anything happen to their vehicle. For others, it is a grudge-purchase that they loath paying each month, yet they will do it because they know that should something happen to their vehicle, the insurance will be there to cover them. Then, there are those still who prefer to only deal with the matter IF and WHEN an accident occurs, stating that they will 'deal with it IF or WHEN it happens'. I really do have a lot of admiration for these people as they genuinely feel that they can prevent any sort of accident from happening and they generally have a very optimistic "it will never happen to me" attitude. However my argument always is, "it's not you I am worry about on the road - it's those idiot, reckless drivers that totally disregard all traffic laws and have no respect for their fellow drivers on the road". You see, the insurance isn't really for you, but more for your protection against those OTHER drivers. The proverbial “shyt” hits the fan when something does actually happen and they are involved in a motor accident. Depending on the type of insurance they purchased, it will either allow them to repair or replace the vehicle that they were involved in. It is a bit of a bureaucratic burden to get through; however, their minds will be at ease because the insurance would have sorted out their financial concerns for the vehicle. Their insurance could also provide some medical cover to cover any injuries that may have been incurred. However, if they didn't have insurance, then it's a case of either draining their life-savings either in hospital and/or vehicle bills; or having to resort to begging, borrowing and "stealing" from family, friends and acquaintances to cover those costs. In all instances, this can be totally disruptive and destructive in their lives by draining their financial, physical, emotional and mental resources to a point of desperation.

Self-defence training is the same. I see it as insurance against the criminals out there that disregard the laws of society and will disrespect their fellow citizens by causing them fear, frustration, pain, loss, anxiety and depression. Like motor insurance, there are those that will gladly take a proactive approach and do the training regardless. These people have seen the value in what self-defence training can do for them and their loved ones, and CHOOSE to be empowered against crime (please see the testimonial below of a family whom I coached privately who chose to be proactive). There are those who see it as a grudge-purchase, doing it reluctantly or because their husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, mom or dad told them to do it, but still seeing what the value of what the training can do for them. Then lastly, there are those who think "it will never happen to me". Believe it or not, but these are the ones the criminals will look for. These are the people that may look naive, overly optimistic, show a lot of bling-and-skin, or just don't have a care in the world and are oblivious to what is happening in in. Now, I have nothing against people who are of this nature. As a matter of fact, I really do envy them as living a life without any cares or worries is a blissful life (or as the Swahili would say, "Hakuna matata"). However, knowing what I know by studying the criminal behavior and looking at the current local and world events, I CAN NOT and WILL NOT allow myself to get into a state of mind where I have totally shut out all that is negative in this world, and especially crime and criminal activities. That would be suicidal in this modern age.

Like the driver with no motor insurance who is involved in an accident, the person with no self-defence training will also have to undergo the same pain and loss. Their once optimistic lives will be disrupted and they will have to scramble to make do with what they have after the incident. They will have to deal with the pain and loss that could spill into all parts of their being and leave them financially, physically, emotionally and mentally-scarred for life (and that's assuming there is a life after the incident - both literally and metaphorically speaking). Whatever it may be, their lives will never be the same again. Don't let this be you. Be proactive! Take up some self-defence-specific training, either willingly or grudgingly, but DO IT REGARDLESS! The time has never been more desperate than now to do training in this vital life-skill.

Till next time.


*A testimonial I have from a private self-defence students:

"Living in South Africa, the crime capital of the world, is not for sissy's. We, as South Africans need to learn to be 'street-wise' from a very young age. I thought I knew what that meant, until meeting Warren. Our 17 year old daughter is 'street-wise', aware of the necessary safety and security precautions we all have to install in our daily lives… but she has been crippled by fear. Fear of crime, fear of the dark, fear of an intruder, just so fearful all the time about everything to do with being violated criminally. Her fear, led us to investigate ways of empowering herself, to try and actively manage her fear she carries inside her.

Warren did exactly that in few lessons we had with him. He opened our eyes to the reality that one does not have to be a trained Ninja, to protect yourself. Through his skilled techniques, he taught us that a 17 year old can be fully efficient at disabling a strong man. He opened our eyes to what being 'street-wise' truly means, and that it goes far beyond just carrying your pepper spray, and turning on your alarm.

We saw a vast improvement in our daughter being able to manage her fears, through empowering herself and gaining the knowledge and skills she needs to be able to protect herself from a criminal. My husband and I gained as much knowledge and through practising the techniques daily, we are all far more confident that we can face any confrontation in the most wise, or deadly way!

Thank you, Warren. You are an amazing person and a brilliant instructor. We will be back … 

Elaine, Teigan, Garth -  Aug 2015"

For more information on the self-defence services of Defence Unlimited, please visit www.defence-unlimited.com 

Also, download our free ebook below:
 Free ebook, "120 Practical Self-Defence Tips"

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