Saturday 16 August 2014

My 10 Steps For Success

Look back at one of your successes and try and recall HOW you accomplished that success. It might have been some life-changing steps that was challenging to adhere to. Else, it could have been some sacrifice in either time, money or health.  Perhaps still, it might have been something that required a tremendous effort of your behalf. It might have been an emotionally-charged goal that you had a deep desire to reach. It could have been losing those extra pounds/kilos to get to that ideal weight; obtaining that next black belt in a particular style of martial art; or that tender that was successfully closed to secure a multi-million dollar deal! Whatever it was, it is that end goal that we are after!

Then, there is the discipline and focus towards that goal. Discipline implies the absolute adherence to following those steps to success in a consistent and continual manner. Focus is what is needed to stay on that path and to not let anything detract you from accomplishing that goal.

Here is an account of one of my most recent success:

Although I always had aspirations to look like a warring-Spartan with a 6-pack for abs, it was never something I was emotionally-charged enough to actually do something about. It was one of those things that I had convinced myself that I had reached the 30's now, and society dictated that for over 30's it was hard to shed those rolls of fat we call love handles.  What led me to make up this 12-week challenge was this one picture that was taken with my wife while on a family holiday.

I posted it on Facebook, and all I could say was that I looked FAT! As a martial artist, active for at least 5 days a week doing some training or the other, I could not figure out why I was looking so “big”? I was training harder than ever, and I was eating reasonably healthy foods, so what was happening?

I was getting despondent and desperate. It was during one of these low moments that I remember coming across a group of people that had really impressed me with their weight-loss program and their ability to achieve results. I started to do some research and eventually found the details of this group, Kaizen Transformation. After going through their marketing material and looking at the results they had accomplished with their clients, I decided to sign up for the 12-week dieting and fitness program.

Without giving too many trade secrets away, let me condense my experience in a few bullet points below:

  • I was training hard but only at the cardio-vascular section. I had little to no strength-training in my program. That was an essential component to build muscle and burn fay!

  • My diet was ok, but not ideal for me. I was put on a strict diet that monitored everything that I ate and forced me to make my own food! Surprisingly, I quite enjoyed the cooking experience and feel I have now also accomplished a skill I had always wanted to learn. I am far from being the next Master Chef, however, I know I can whip up a reasonably healthy and nutritious meal (much to my wife's delight)!

  • My stats and training program was constantly monitored by my diet and fitness coaches, who gave me feedback on my progress.

  • Lastly, I had an emotionally-charged goal in mind: If I could be disciplined enough to stick to these 12 weeks and accomplish some visible improvements, I will have discipline to move onto my next goal in life - to leave my corporate job and peruse a business in something I am passionate about.  

And here is the results after 12 weeks:

Needless to say, I was pleased with my results, but I realise I still have some way to go still to obtain that Spartan 6-pack! However, it did convince me that I have the discipline and the focus to accomplish any goal I set my mind and emotions to. With that, I had handed in my resignation from my corporate job, and as from 1 September 2014, I will be pursuing my passion as a full-time venture, which is to educate and empower people who have crime-related fears and frustrations, so as to unlock their potential for greatness! Defence Unlimited is the embodiment of that goal.

In a round-about way, I have therefore discovered my 10-steps for success based on this experience:

  1.  Have an emotionally-charged goal;
  2.  Seek help from experts;
  3. Have a clearly defined plan;
  4. Do what the action plan defines;
  5. Stay focused, disciplined and motivated; 
  6. Be accountable. If not to myself, then to someone who will kick me up the a$$ if I mess up;
  7. It's ok to mess up. Acknowledge it, make a conscious effort to not do it again; get over it and move forward;
  8. Stay mentally strong by being conscious of what I think and plant into my subconscious; 
  9. Just keep going, especially during the tough times;
  10. Celebrate ALL successes, even before the goal is accomplished!

This may be a very generic model, but it worked for me. Please do share any other steps that you have experienced that should be included, removed, or improved.

Till next time.



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